Another dragon series

This particular series only has two published books, no, wait, I tell a lie, three. But it doesn't have a catchy series name like some of the others do. This is the series where Tiffany and Joe feature, though the main focus is on Tiff's twin sister Lexxie and her bonded dragon, Alinska.

I can't talk much about these books without giving lots away, but the dragons are about the same size as a Maine Coon cat and, especially Alinska, like to ride on their human's shoulders. It gives them a better view of what's happening and also allows them to comment as events happen. There's also talk about elemental balance and protecting the planet, but in different ways than the Consequences Series.

Only one more series to talk about and we'll get to the fun stuff. If you'd like, go search my books on amazon by author name and comment which book / series you'd like me to start out with. If I don't hear from anyone, I'm going to start with a stand-alone Novella called "The Nightmare".


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