Tails from the Oddside 2: Point of View

*I work in a hospital as a Security Officer. One of our many and varied duties is maintaining the morgue. That is to say, we sign the deceased in and release them to the correct funeral home when the family makes their wishes known.

I think that almost anyone knows hospitals are haunted. There are certain areas that are more apt for paranormal activity than others. The morgue is one of them. I was walking back to the office one morning and started wondering what the ghostly point of view is. Since I can't ask them, I came up with this.*

Given the topics of the previous two novellas and some of my other works, I think it's fairly obvious I believe in ghosts. We'll go into a much deeper discussion during one of the series, but I do believe and have seen two - and possibly a ghost cat. I'm still not certain about that last one, but my cat (the only animal in the house) was with me when I saw the shape move.

Our morgue really doesn't have a haunted feel to it. There's a definite smell, don't get me wrong, but there's no energy to it. I don't know if it's because the deceased don't come down to us immediately or it it's because they're not there long. I'm certainly not fond of the place, but it's part of the job.

I would think that the newly dead do have a certain sense of confusion no matter what happens to us when we die. And I think that's one reason people fear death, it's because of that unknown. but I do like the idea that there might well be a more experienced ghost waiting to help the newly dead out.


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