
Blog Post: R & R

 Unfortunately not rest and relaxation. Though some days (and especially now during the pandemic) I wish it could be. My favorite Gary Larson Far Side cartoon (about writing) is the sheep throwing his manuscript in the air shouting in frustration "forget it! Everything I write is so much bleating!" I can relate to that through every step of the process. I'm not going to be one of those authors that tell you to outline, to plan, to keep notes on your major plot points; unless, of course, that works for you. In that case, go nuts. I rather like sitting down with either a blank notebook or a blank Word document and just diving in the deep end with no clue of where I'm going or how long it will take me to get there. It helps to have an idea of a basic plot point or a single character, but again, sometimes I don't even have that. I do have a notebook in my work backpack where I'll jot down story ideas, but I'm usually too distracted to do much else. If you want...

Tales from the Oddside 6: Basement Horrors

 *This hospital where I work is haunted. I can count three places where I have either seen or sensed something. Of those, there is one where I will not go until noon or later, because there is a dark entity there and I want the sun to have some power over the day before I have to step onto that floor. Fortunately, for now, it is under construction - though that is just upsetting the entity. That floor is his, and he does not like people intruding. Even the contractors working on the unit have seen / sensed him. He is a story in and of himself. I've written a little about him in my novella "Room 214". This story has a slightly different origin, but I believe he planted the seed when I went past his floor in the elevator one day. I'm not sure what to think about this one, but I knew I would write it. Ultimately because it's a good idea, but it's darker than what I normally write. I also don't like zombies, so the imagery bothered me a lot when the idea first...

Tales from the Oddside 5: Knife to the Heart

 *It's not common for me to remember my dreams. I don't know if I just don't naturally slip into the deep sleep needed to be able to dream, or if they're fading out on me for a reason. This story here is based on a dream I had while reading about psychopaths for a novel I have in-progress. Since this dream, and one very disturbing nightmare, I've stopped reading research materials at bedtime." That in-progress novel is finished, published, and will be talked about soon. For this story, too much talking will spoil the whole thing, but it looks at what happens when an adopted phychopath is finally able he cannot have / do something he wants. It also looks at the rather chilling results.

Tales from the Oddside 4: Murderous Intentions

 *Another story that came about from working in the hospital. there are dangers aplenty for security, from patients out of their minds to those that just want to hurt others to those that are legitimately insane and don't know what they are doing. I'll be honest, this is from a nightmare after a very, very bad shift. Fortunately the worst I've had is a broken toe from a faulty bed. Some of my coworkers haven't been as lucky." I really need to update that statement to broken toe and ruptured ligament from the broken bed. That was eight months in a walking case, not counting the procedure to repair the ligament and PT. I'm truly lucky it wasn't anything worse. This is the longest story in the collection and asks the questions of what would happen should someone corrupt manage to get into power at a hospital. And then what happens should that same person be discovered by the FBI? I had some fun with this one and based the main female after my training lieutent...

Tales from the Oddside 3: Accidental Instructions

 *This is an older story written for one of my Criminal Justice classes. I'm not sure which one, but given the topic matter, it's most likely "Prisons and Society". There is a slight in-joke here, the novel the young man is awaiting is part of a series I haven't had a chance to finish up. I need to, if only so I can cross it off my list of stories I want to work on." Well, if I do publish that one, it'll be on AO3 under my fan fiction pen name. along with one other piece as well. Anyway, I have a degree in Criminal Justice and am only one class short of a minor in Sociology. I did actually visit one of the Idaho State prisons as part of my degree program, and it was rather chilling. It was a maximum security facility, but they had all the inmates out in general population, so we were walking amongst convicted murderers and rapists. Let me tell you, for the most part, they look just like you and me. There was a lot of talk in my upper division classes abou...

Personal update

Hi all,   Okay, so I've said that I work in healthcare, but I don't think I specified that I work in healthcare in Florida. Fortunately not Miami-Dade or Broward, but our numbers are crawling up and things are tense right now. Hence the lack of posts on weekends. We've all been working overtime shifts and I've been too tired to brain on the weekends, let alone try and be coherent enough talking about my books and writing.   I'll be back at some point and have a few posts already written that just need to be typed up. Hopefully by August. Thanks for your understanding. :)

Tails from the Oddside 2: Point of View

*I work in a hospital as a Security Officer. One of our many and varied duties is maintaining the morgue. That is to say, we sign the deceased in and release them to the correct funeral home when the family makes their wishes known. I think that almost anyone knows hospitals are haunted. There are certain areas that are more apt for paranormal activity than others. The morgue is one of them. I was walking back to the office one morning and started wondering what the ghostly point of view is. Since I can't ask them, I came up with this.* Given the topics of the previous two novellas and some of my other works, I think it's fairly obvious I believe in ghosts. We'll go into a much deeper discussion during one of the series, but I do believe and have seen two - and possibly a ghost cat. I'm still not certain about that last one, but my cat (the only animal in the house) was with me when I saw the shape move. Our morgue really doesn't have a haunted feel to it. The...