Tales from the Oddside 6: Basement Horrors

 *This hospital where I work is haunted. I can count three places where I have either seen or sensed something. Of those, there is one where I will not go until noon or later, because there is a dark entity there and I want the sun to have some power over the day before I have to step onto that floor. Fortunately, for now, it is under construction - though that is just upsetting the entity. That floor is his, and he does not like people intruding. Even the contractors working on the unit have seen / sensed him.

He is a story in and of himself. I've written a little about him in my novella "Room 214". This story has a slightly different origin, but I believe he planted the seed when I went past his floor in the elevator one day. I'm not sure what to think about this one, but I knew I would write it. Ultimately because it's a good idea, but it's darker than what I normally write. I also don't like zombies, so the imagery bothered me a lot when the idea first came to me. Make of that what you will."

Again, don't want to spoil. Let's just leave it at basements are rare in Florida - especially close to the beach - but what would happen if there was one under a hospital, where it was rumored persistent problem patients (say that three times fast) would be thrown at a doctor's instruction? Keep in mind, no one ever questions doctors.


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