Tales from the Oddside 4: Murderous Intentions

 *Another story that came about from working in the hospital. there are dangers aplenty for security, from patients out of their minds to those that just want to hurt others to those that are legitimately insane and don't know what they are doing. I'll be honest, this is from a nightmare after a very, very bad shift. Fortunately the worst I've had is a broken toe from a faulty bed. Some of my coworkers haven't been as lucky."

I really need to update that statement to broken toe and ruptured ligament from the broken bed. That was eight months in a walking case, not counting the procedure to repair the ligament and PT. I'm truly lucky it wasn't anything worse.

This is the longest story in the collection and asks the questions of what would happen should someone corrupt manage to get into power at a hospital. And then what happens should that same person be discovered by the FBI? I had some fun with this one and based the main female after my training lieutentant, 4'11' southern lady and you do NOT piss her off for any reason.


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