Novella: Room 214 2

A few comments on pronunciations / short-hand we use at the hospital  for a couple of units and a habit for the floors that I've used in the book.

SICU - Surgical Intensive Care Unit. We (Security) call it sick-u.

PACU - Post-Op or Post Anesthesia Care Unit. We call it pack-u.

On the floors it's a habit to drop the floor specific number, so 453 simply becomes 53 whenever we are on that floor. It's simply because staff assigned to that floor don't care what's happening (within reason, or course) on other floors.

This book has next to no research involved in it and quite a lot of the ghosts and experiences for the characters are made up. The exceptions are the ghost on the third floor of the north tower and the ghosts and feelings in the education building. Those are from my experiences. In fact, the education building has one area that was so uncomfortable for me to walk through early in the morning on the weekend - when everything is closed down and it's just a general patrol area - that I finally took a couple of minutes and just talked aloud while I was walking that section. I explained that I was there to keep the building safe, I respected that it was her (I had seen her on a previous occasion) territory and that I would leave as quickly as I could. After that it was always uncomfortable to walk around, but the general unease that I felt was gone. I could tell I was still being watched, but every so often I'll just say that I'm passing through and will leave as quickly as I can, and it seems like we have an understanding, for now, anyway. I have a suspicion who is there, there's a lot of pictures hanging up in the building, and some of them are painted portraits of people who were very important to the hospital, and I think she's one of them.

The ghost on the third floor of the north tower is one I haven't seen, but seems to like rooms 304 and 305. There's always a feeling in that corner of the floor that makes people uncomfortable, but I've not seen or experienced anything. One of the older officers claimed to have seen a female walking into room 305 and shut the door behind her. This was when the unit was closed and it was one of the overnight guys, so it made me curious.

My favorite ghost in this story is one that is almost passed over because they're focused on 214, and that's the guy on the motorcycle in the back hallway. My hospital has a long hallway that runs from the north tower to the south tower with no walls or interruptions, and this is where I put him in the novel. There's just enough space to get a good run up before a ghost would vanish again. The hallway to the morgue is also off of this hallway.

Remarkably enough, there's only been one time I've felt anything in the morgue, or the front room area. I can't go into details, but it wasn't a bad feeling, just confusion over what had happened to them. I sort of touch on that in a short story in the next book I'm going to be talking about.


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