Ghost Researchers Series

For now, blog posts will likely be only on the weekends. I'm a non-clinical hospital employee and normally come home and faceplant into bed whenever I'm on shift. These are the introduction and overview posts before I start into more detail about each book and/or series.

So, the Ghost Researchers. I think this honestly might have been my favorite set of books to work on for the simple reason that I had to do the research into the ghosts and places, so my own research became part of the book. I'm a bit like Sandy and Josh in that I love research and really did have some fun learning more about ghosts, spirits, and lore. The demons and angels not so much, but I think that might be chalked up to common sense.

This series idea was born while I was watching a Ghost Adventures episode featuring the Old Ram Inn over in England. There was a reported sex demon in the building and Zak made the comment that he would put the recorder between his legs because he heard that was where the incubus liked it. Turned out that Zak didn't know the incubus is the male demon. So this whole series could have been limited to one book if my original story idea had played out. Instead the characters took over and I ended up with four books in this one. With the exception of the third book, all the research, quotes, and sources are real. The third book is set in a location from my past and I didn't want anyone to know that I actually knew the families that lived in the houses, so the third book is the only completely fictional and created research.

My favorite ghost story came when I was researching in and around Los Angeles for book 4. The caretaker at the Stanley-Ware ranch woke up in the night and found an elderly cowboy-type ghost in his room with him. The ghost just said "don't take any bullshit" and vanished. That one makes me giggle any time I think about it.

My favorite worked in part for book 4 is the Nastiness Act in Edinburgh. Seriously, google it and you will get why it makes me laugh for a good five minutes whenever it's mentioned. And it's a problem that has only gotten worse since my last trip to Edinburgh because I learned that the bells rang out at 2200 and that was also when the pubs closed. Okay, I promise to go into more detail when I talk about this book.


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